I need a high performance gaming tower?

I have a very small budget of only £350. I play minecraft and total war games. I also make mods which requires programs, so I also need the computer to be able to support allot of programs lag-free.

How or where can I learn how to play Tekkit?

I'm talking about the newer Tekkit minecraft mod pack. I see a lot of people playing Tekkit and I only know the basics. I'm wondering how I can learn how to do all the stuff in Tekkit. I think there's the wiki but I'm not sure it will help very much. So where or how can I learn the advanced parts of Tekkit.

All my forge modded items have the same name?

I'm trying to update my mod, i'm rewriting the whole thing so that i can get it to 1.6.4 until mcp 1.7.4 comes out. But whatever item i name last is the name of all my tools/items. For example if i put LanguageRegistry.addName(BedrockAxe, "Bedrock Axe"); at the bottom All of my tools are named "Bedrock Axe". Here is my coding:

package Duncans.Mods; //Package directory

* Basic importing

import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumToolMaterial;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemFood;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraftforge.common.EnumHelper;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Init;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializat…
import cpw.mods.fml.common.network.NetworkMod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistr…
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageReg…

* Basic needed forge stuff
@Mod(modid="BedrockMod", name="Bedrock Tools Mod", version="v1")
@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, ser…

public class BedrockMod {

* ToolMaterial

static EnumToolMaterial EnumToolMaterialBedrock = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("HighPower", 3, 1750, 12.0F, 6, 12);

//Telling forge that we're creating these


public static Item ruby;


public static Item BedrockAxe;
public static Item BedrockShovel;
public static Item BedrockSword;
public static Item BedrockPickaxe;
public static Item BedrockHoe;


public static Block BRock;

//Declaring Init
public void load(FMLInitializationEvent event){

BRock= new BlockClass(3608, "Bedrock").setTextureName("duncansmod: be…
GameRegistry.registerBlock(BRock, "Bedrock");
LanguageRegistry.addName(BRock, "Bedrock");

ruby = new DuncansItems(2013).setTextureName("dunca…

//define tools

BedrockAxe = new DuncanAxe(9014, EnumToolMaterialBedrock).setTextureName(…
GameRegistry.registerItem(BedrockAxe, "Bedrock Axe");
BedrockShovel = new DuncanShovel(9015, EnumToolMaterialBedrock).setTextureName(…
BedrockPickaxe = new DuncanPickaxe(9016, EnumToolMaterialBedrock).setTextureName(…
BedrockHoe = new DuncanHoe(9017, EnumToolMaterialBedrock).setTextureName(…
BedrockSword = new DuncanSword(9018, EnumToolMaterialBedrock).setTextureName(…

//adding names
LanguageRegistry.addName(ruby, "Ruby");

LanguageRegistry.addName(BedrockAxe, "Bedrock Axe");

LanguageRegistry.addName(BedrockShovel, "Bedrock Shovel");

LanguageRegistry.addName(BedrockPickaxe… "Bedrock Pickaxe");

LanguageRegistry.addName(BedrockSword, "Bedrock Sword");

LanguageRegistry.addName(BedrockHoe, "Bedrock Hoe");


GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(BRock,1), new Object[]{
"TTT","TST","TTT",'T', Block.obsidian,'S…

If anyone can help that would be amazing, thanks!

What are the most popular games right now (BESIDES COD Ghosts and Battlefield 4)?

I just started a YouTube gaming channel called Dr. Phantom (http://www.youtube.com/user/DrPhantom99)

I just have a Minecraft Let's Play, tutorials and the Minecraft for PS3 news.

I'll make a Left 4 Dead 2 Let's Play and modshowcases.

I'll buy COD Ghosts and make videos of it.

What other games are popular that people watch a lot in YouTube and what do they watch of them? (Let's Play, Multiplayer, Tutorials, mods)?

Added (1). GAMES FOR PC

Will this get 60 fps on high settings?

I want to get a gaming computer and my budget is $1500 to $2000 and I already have the parts picked out, I hope to get great performance on all my games and maybe be able to record, i'm a huge multitasker having up to 8 windows open all in use including music playing, games online, steam on, facebook signed into, and my very high end gaming.

Now here are the parts I hope to use on my rig

*Mother-Board: http://www.newegg.com/...6813128651

*CPU: http://www.newegg.com/...6819113284

*RAM: http://www.newegg.com/...6820233310

*GPU: http://www.newegg.com/...6814130918

*HDD: http://www.newegg.com/...6822236356

*SSD: http://www.newegg.com/...6820147247

*PSU: http://www.newegg.com/...6817139040

*Disk player thingy: http://www.newegg.com/...6827136269

*network adapter: http://www.newegg.com/...6833320074

*Case: http://www.newegg.com/...6811119213

I have the rest of the parts under control like the operating system and etc.

First off, will this build work?
are there any ways to make this build cheaper whilst having about the same performance while being cheaper?
Let me know if you can.

now I want to get all games at 60 to 160 fps on high to ultimate settings, now i want to know very accurate information on how much fps or settings these games will be able to play on.

I WILL NOT BE OVERCLOCKING, well maybe a little.

Battlefield 4?

Minecraft with mods, texture packs and shader packs?

Garrys mod on counter strike: source?

Happy wheels all the way?

Lots of horror games such as amnesia and others

Crysis 3?


As many indie games as i can find?

Assassins creed 4?

Team fortress 2?


7 days to die?




If you could list performance info for most of these, I would be amazingly grateful.