Discover the World Of Minecraft On Your Playstation

After its PC release Minecraft continued expansion by conquering consoles. The game is now available on both Playstation and Xbox 360. There are three Playstation versions- for Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and Playstation Vita. So, what pleasure can you take in playing this 20$ game?

First of all, it’s the feeling of being able to create whatever you want staying at home. It’s the feeling of being able to bring everything under control. It’s the feeling of risk you take when you loiter about Minecraft world at night.

The Playstation edition has had the same gameplay and game content as the Xbox version since the update 1.02. You can download a free demo version and access the tutorial map for free. The demo version doesn’t let players change the skin. But you can play split screen.

All in all, the Minecraft Playstation version is worth playing and totally justifies its price.