Minecraft windows 10 edition won't install?

I redeemed my code and it went to the store, but i can't press the install button. I went to my apps and it was in the games section. But there was text on top of the app that said "doesn't work on this device" i then updated my windows 10 version to see if this would fix the problem. But it didn't help in the slightest. Can someone please help me?!

Are my graphics good for gaming?

My laptop has Intel HD graphics 5500 and NVIDIA GeForce 940M. Are these graphics good enough for some gaming? What can it handle? Note: my laptop already has Minecraft and Photoshop installed.

Minecraft refuses to go fullscreen on second monitor?

Basically, I drag the window over to the second monitor, and then hit F11. But instead of going fullscreen on that monitor, it goes fullscreen on my main monitor for some reason. I can't seem to find a way to drag it over or anything…

I'm new to having a two-monitor setup. Just got it running today. It's a bit of a strange setup, so if what I'm doing seems like it should be working, I guess I'll update the question with details on my setup.

Minecraft is lagging on my pretty decent computer

Minecraft is lagging on my pretty decent computer! Help?

Added (1). So I used to run minecraft at a solid 120FPS (locked) but now I'm usually 40FPS and below. What gives?! I have all my drivers updated and my drives are defragged. Any ideas on how to help?
OS: Windows 8 64-Bit
CPU: AMD 8320 8 Core @ 3.2Ghz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 560 2GB Superclocked
RAM: 8GB 1366mhz RAM
PSU: 600W Corsair

I need laptop help. I Don't Know what to do?

I need a laptop that can be used for games like steam, Minecraft and can be used for editing videos for YouTube and for school work. What laptop can I use for that?

How to make a edited explosion?

I'm making a video in Minecraft and I need a explosion. I can't do it with TnT in the game though. How can I edit in a explosion? Possible like the one at the end of the Bad Blood Music Video…

Gaming computer running slow, it's like-new. Why is kind of slow?

I have recently purchased a gaming computer from newegg.com and it has pretty good specs. I will leave the specs down below. I'm a graphic designer (designing graphics for the gaming community) and that's really all I have been doing. I don't really game much. I have a few games downloaded but not a whole bunch. I will list my games down below. I use this computer daily. I use Photoshop CS6 and Cinema 4D. The only daily things I do on the computer is use those two programs and use Twitter. Nothing else.

Games I have downloaded:

Combat Arms (FPS GAME)
League of Leagends (MMO GAME)
Counter Strike CS: GO (FPS GAME)
Terraria (N/A)
Minecraft (N/A

Like I said, I rarely play those games. Hardly ever really.

My question is what is wrong? How do I check the reason why it's running slow? If I can buy a part to replace, what should I buy to better my performance? I know a new processor would probably work, but I shouldn't need any more replacements as I purchased this pc about 7 months ago.

When I got my PC, it loaded everything with such swiftness. I can watch movies without it buffering out skipping. Now I can't even watch a 360p movie without it buffering and stuttering through the movie.

Here is my computer: http://www.newegg.com/...6883229619

My internet speed is flawless

I can't collect resources on Minecraft?

So I play Minecraft a lot, and I usually play in a realm with friends. Now, today we log in and we can break block in survival and creative mode, however we can't collect the resources. So if we broke a coal ore block, we don't get any coal, the block just breaks. Or if we chop at a tree we can't collect wood.

Literally none of the forums have what I'm looking for. I dunno if it's Mojang having issues.
Just please help, cause being in creative mode all the time for resources (ours are running low) is starting to get annoying.


Added (1). So already I've had two trolls respond. If you're not gonna give me a serious answer, all I'm gonna do is report you, so please, only if you know what's going on.