Have you ever played World of warcraft? Which game do you play now? And why do you quit WOW?

Have you ever played World of warcraft? Which game do you play now? And why do you quit WOW?

Added (1). And age, please

Yes I've played World of Warcraft and quit years ago. I'm currently playing Elder Scrolls Online. As to the "why", it no longer held by attention. Video games are essentially a "stimulus" and when humans are exposed to a stimulus repeatedly there's a decrease (or stoppage) of interest. We adapt to the stimulus and it becomes stale, routine… Boring. I'm not going to bad mouth the game (or Company)… I had a great time playing it but there's an end to all things (I'll leave it as a found memory).

1: i've played for about 6-8 years

2:i play all sorts mostly fantasy

3: the subscription fee was a little too much and i wanted to get new games and try them out