I can't log in to my minecraft user no matter how many times I reset my password?

No matter how many times I reset my minecraft password, it still says that it failed to log in please help!

Are you typing in the right username? When I used to log into Minecraft, I would also have problems logging in. I knew the password though, but I always thought that I didn't capitalize something in my username or something. I would just type in my email as my username, so then that way I could avoid that predicament.
Did you check the verification on your email when you reset your password? It won't allow you to make a new password until you verify that it is your account by clicking on a link you receive in an email.
Maybe you are just typing it in wrong, too.
The game could also be glitching on you. Like for some reason you can't get across the login screen because of some sort of problem with the files.
If you tried everything I listed above, then delete the game and re download.

Oh lol never mind I just had a virus its all good now.