So my daughter gets $150 every two weeks, so pretty much $300 a month. But she only spends it on Anything that has to do with Minecraft. Like her whole room has minecraft or something in Minecraft on it. Now most people would say its just something she really likes so I should let her do it. Except this affects her whole life. 3 years ago when her Friend showed her Minecraft, She had good grades. A's and a few B's. Now though 2 years later, She will barely pass 7th grade. She now has D's and F's. Instead of actually doing the work she draws Minecraft characters or talks about Minecraft. Also at home she will sit at the dinner table and play MInecraft and not eat. Then in the middle of the night she will go and snack on Twinkies and Cupcakes. This is affecting her BIG TIME and its becoming a huge concern.
My daughter is addicted to Minecraft?
Guest 01.06.2015
So stop giving her money.
Burter 02.06.2015
Stop the cash flow: the money is obviously fueling her obsession. If you say that allowance is the only way to get your kids to do anything, then something is very wrong: they have zero respect for your authority, and you're basically bribing your kids. Also, 75 dollars for a week's worth of chores is insane; it's great your family is obviously well-off, but come on.
the money thing can actually work in your favor though: if you stop "paying" your daughter, her love of money may get her grades up. Although, there's still the underlying problem of her not respecting you.
be a parent; not a friend.
Guest 02.06.2015
Pretty good that, "Your Daughter"… Hun?
In your post:
You said, "I'm 11 years old"
Mikel 02.06.2015
Obvious troll is obvious.
Guest 02.06.2015