I'm addicted to minecraft

15 year old girl addicted to minecraft!
I love minecraft than Miley Cyrus loves her tongue, and thats really saying something!
I'm homeschooled and so i work near a computer and every minute I have the urge to play survival games on a server. I need to do my work! I want to be able to still have it downloaded so when I take my lunch break I can play a game, but how do I stop myself from OVER playing it?
Or do both at the same time…

Added (1). While I wait for you guys to answer I will be busy playing Minecraft XD

Some people are addicted to drugs… Be happy your addicted to a game i say.

Delete the game itself.

As someone else who is homeschooled all I can tell you is it's really just up to you fight the urge to play it stay strong.

I'm addicted to pokemon Y and want to play it every second of everyday! If I were you, I would set yourself a timer or something. When I wake up at 6 or 7 a.m. I play pokemon for an hour then I do school. Then after a couple subjects I take a break for about thirty minutes to an hour and play pokemon, then do some more subjects. Or, I just get my school work done as quickly as possible then play the rest of the day, but still get good grades! Otherwise you will end up getting grounded or something from minecraft. That would suck. So yeah, just set yourself a time limit until your done with school, or do school away from your computer, or (what I do with my 3ds) hide it somewhere in another room so you won't be as tempted.
Hope I helped! Lol sorry it's long…

Delete the game from your computer.