Am I addicted to Video Games?

I'm doing a project on video game addiction and i noticed that most of the symptoms describe me to a T. I clock in at least six hours of game time each day, i don't do much of anything else (except when i need to do something), and i talk about video games more than everyone else. On top of that, on a weekend, i spend about 12 hours a day on a video game. Don't get me wrong, i will do something else when i'm asked to, but other than that i just play minecraft and MW3. The only reason why i'm asking is because i still get straight a's and i'm the top of all of my classes. Do you guys think i'm a video game addict or do i just have a lot of free time with nothing else to do?

Video game addicted you are

It might be a good idea to get out and do something in reality every now and then, but surely it's not an issue unless it starts negatively impacting your life. Unfortunately that's a difficult thing to measure on your own, but if, for example, your real world relationships suffered or your grades started dropping, that might be time to seriously worry about it.

I played alot of games when I was younger as a coping mechanism. I played them in all my spare time.
While that probably wasn't the healthiest thing to do, I don't have regrets, but your mileage my vary.
If your gaming is getting in the way of other things you want/need to do, then you have a problem. Otherwise, **** what anyone else thinks.

Oh, ya! If your doing good in school then I don't see a problem. I did the same thing in college. Nothing wrong with it.

Many geniuses play games. My brother was one of the top students in his school and he played at least 15 hours of games a day.

You seem fine to me. If your grades aren't suffering, than you're just bored and have nothing else to do.

You could be both