I'm kinda addicted to Minecraft?

I try Really hard not to be, but I'm kind of addicted to Minecraft. Sometimes I will sneak on and stuff. I DON't WANT TO BE ADDICTED I WANT TO STOP! HOW CAN I STOP? I FEEL So GUILTY!
Sowwy about the caps. Please answer soon.

In 2006, my younger brother and I developed an addiction to Runescape. We would sneak on and waste countless time on it. After a year, we kicked the addiction because we were being opened up to new things. For me, I found an anime called "InuYasha". I found a fan chat room for the show and discovered that I had quite the talent for story writing and just writing in general. I took on something in the form of text "RolePlay" and began to write my own stories / essays.

Now, ignoring my rambling, you just need to find something that will catch your attention and fully occupy your time, even for a little while. You might even discover a hidden talent.

Try sitting in the living room with a paper and pencil. Maybe you're an artist and you just don't know it yet? Turn on the radio while you do and jam out. Try dancing a little and get your mind off the video games. Better yet, pick up your phone or a camera and start taking some pictures outside. Maybe go to a local music store and play with the instruments for a little bit.

There's something out there for you, believe me.

If you are male just get a girlfriend. She will not allow you to play or do anything but obey her orders. So their is that.