I'm addicted to Minecraft! Any tips?

So for me, Minecraft kind of came into my life as a distraction, or an escape, from the painful reality of teenage living. I realized I love the game itself so much, but I find that I sometimes play to pass time, when I'm bored, and have nothing to do, which is a lot for me. So for the days when I stay home all day, I'm at the computer on and off. I've tried to stop, and find other things to do. But I find Minecraft to be more fun. And because I have no siblings with me, or no one around my age, I sit in my room, trying to find solo things to do. BUT MINECRAFT IS So MUCH MORE FUN! I always go running right back to it. I know how I'm living is not healthy, but I can't seem to find any other ways to occupy myself. Do you have any tips or advice. I Really need help with this.

Since you like working with electronics so much why don't you try to learn about it find out how they made Minecraft do research something healthy for your mind

In my experience, it'll all go away in time. Try finding something new to do.
I used to be crazy about Minecraft but after watching plenty of YouTube videos, it's not the best game out there so I moved onto other games.

If moving onto other games isn't the best idea because of the prices or because you want to do something away from a game, try doing something you've always wanted to do but is pretty simple and can be done at home. You can try making artwork of Minecraft or crafting an animal out of scraps you find around the house.
Basically, do what interests you and it's even better if it doesn't cost money.

Kill yourself

Don't worry fallout 4 is coming

Play factions with chat on and yell to everyone where the coordinates of your base is admirer playing for 3 hours. You will soon know the full depravity humans are capable of as they assault your keep, slaughter your villagers, make off with your dimond enchanted weaponry and leave you with burning planks of wood and foul names over chat.

It makes every man look back on his gaming and do a little soul searching.

You SHOULD get out and exercise. While Minecraft is a really fun and addictive game, you can break the addiction. Read a good book and/or listen to awesome music that you like.