Am I addicted to xbox?/Videogame addiction?

I'm a 15 year old boy who plays Gta, Minecraft, and Call of Duty on Xbox 360. I play for about 1-3 hours a day, sometimes 5 on weekends if there's nothing to do. I always play with my best friend and I have fun. My grades in High School are all A's besides one B. I live in the woods so I go outside often with a pond in my backyard. I fish and play basketball and wiffleball in the backyard. I will play an hour, then go outside for maybe half an hour. I do my homework of course. Most of my friends play xbox but not as much as me I suppose. Am I addicted because I play a lot everyday? Or am I misunderstanding all this. I'm confused and stopped playing for 2 days now. I don't "need" to play, I just get bored when I don't, especially in the woods.

No. Addiction is being enslaved to it, having a dependency on it. You don't have that with video games. Playing a lot is not synonymous for addiction. Three hours isn't even a lot.

I play about the same hours as you everyday. It's perfectly fine, as long as it doesn't disturb your outside, social and academic life.

That dosent sound like an addiction. I used to be addicted and i can tell you exactly what it feels like. Its not boredom, its a driving need. When i was at school all i would think about was going home and playing games. You are ok. Keeps your grades up, and keep on playing outside. There's no need to cut off videogames compleatly. It just needs to be in moderation.