Can I play minecraft on a MacBook Pro?

I want to get a MacBook Pro for college and I want to play minecraft on it because PC is way better then the xbox version. My questions is can I play minecraft on a 13" MacBook Pro? If so, can I play it on different servers like "" cause I would like to play online multiplayer games like hunger games.

You've got a macbook pro. You can play just about anything on it, and I'm not even much of an Apple person.

Macbook pros really have a lot of 'beef' behind them to play games. They do have an OS X version of Minecraft to play.

As for the different servers, it should be the same for the PC and Apple version since they're both built off of Java and Java is universal.

Yeah, definitely. I have a 13" Macbook Pro (Late 2013) that runs Minecraft with everything cranked up.
I've played on many servers without a problem. No lag, whatsoever. Newer models will surely run it without a sweat.