Mine are roblox ans minecraft.
What are the worst computer games you have played?
The last wolfenstein had a really sh*tty ending.
Also the last need for speed (I think it was the last one), cops kept spawning out of nowhere infront of me and crashing into me (killing me).
I also hated the story line of GTA IV and Red-Dead redemption.
Qwop is the worst game ever. Look it up. It's frustrating.
Pacman world rally.
LoL. Sorry, but I had more fun downloading that garbage than playing it.
Road rash
Many really. I play a lot of computer games and the ones i hate the most are.
1. LoL - because it's so hyped up and when i played it after beta and release it was horrible as shet compared to beta and release. I've played dota before LoL for a while but LoL is total shet the hype is just ridiculous for the gameplay it provides imo. I'm not very great in moba games but i've played them for a while to get the hang of them and even dota was better imo.
2. Maplestory - pay to play game. I spent hundreds of dollars on this game it's fking ridiculous. The gameplay is too hard or was at least now it is very easy and lots of hackers/exploiters so i don't care for this game. You ever got purposely kicked off the game by another user constantly for an hour straight because he felt like being a douche and their was nothing you could do? Thats what this game was all about at it's prime.
3. I think its called WolfTeam. It's a 3rd person shooter i think thats what you'd call it. Anyways it relies on the cash shop as well ontop of that their are a LOT of hackers. The game itself was rigged. You have these games where you play wolves and humans you fight each other Human V wolf but the owolves are so fast and have a lot of health and defence that you can barely kill them not to mention they have special power and can kill u in 1 hit.
4. Grepolis - it's one of those reseources game where you gather resources, build shet, and kill shet. However their are guilds that attack your city and when you lose they take over it. Your guild can help but your on islands thus unless someone is close your screwed no matter what