Why does Minecraft.net not recognize my purchase?

I bought Minecraft yesterday and I wanted to change my skin. I went to "profile" on Minecraft.net and it said "You have to purchase the game to change skin." I checked to make sure I was logged in. I was confused. I could still play the game on Minecraft.exe but the website didn't recognize that I bought it. Is it supposed to do that?

Minecraft keeps changing my skin back to default?

I have a cracked version of Minecraft 1.7.4.

I download the skin and change steve.png manually in "versions/1.7.4.jar/assets/minecraft/tex… With new skin that I renamed to steve.png. When I open steve.png now (in entity folder), it is the image of new skin. Then I exit WinRAR and start Minecraft. When I get into the world, it's default skin, not the new skin. When I exit Minecraft and again open the "entity" folder and steve.png it is the default image.

So basically when I start Minecraft it automatically changes skin (or restores/returns back normal) back to default.

This was also happening in 1.7.2 version. In 1.6.2 it worked fine.

I don't care about multiplayer, and never play it. This happens in singleplayer, and I want to make it work in singleplayer.

Also tried reinstalling Minecraft several times. Doesn't work. Tried also in different worlds, new worlds, creative mod etc. Same default skin.

One interesting thing I have noticed is that when I don't delete first steve.png, and then copy new steve.png into the folder, but just copy the new steve.png, it doesn't ask me do I want to overwrite it (old steve.png) it just copies the new steve.png into the "entity" folder.

What's the best mod, texture pack, skin website for minecraft?

So i need to know some websites for minecraft, there's somthing i'm looking for in the websites off that info please help me out thanks its listed below…
(mods, texture pack, skins, also a good looking website background) Thanks please help me out a.s.a.p…

Can someone review this creepypasta? My first one?

Just another day

I wake up with a jolt. 'Where am I?' I wonder,'This isn't my home…' I mutter a few swears under my breath. My new location appears to be a lush green field.
The grass here is tall, I must be in the wild where there's nobody to cut it. I frown. How am I supposed to find my way back now? I head in a random direction, hoping for the best. I walk through the tall grass for a while, and I find a small town. I sprint to the little village, hoping for a hotel or somewhere to stay until I find my
house. It's getting pretty dark. I walk up to a man in a strange robe. "Um… Hello, sir," I begin, "Do you know where a hotel is around here?" He speaks a single word in some odd language. I don't understand at first, but he begins to walk towards an old building, motioning for me to follow. It appears to be his house. He steps into the doorway, mumbling something in his language. I ask, hoping he'll understand me, if it's really ok that I stay with him for the night. He nods silently and points me toward the floor in the back of his one-room ranch house. "You… Want me to sleep on the floor?" I ask, hoping the answer is no. He shakes his head yes. I wonder why his house is so small… Oh well. He was kind enough to let me stay here. I should be grateful. I lay down as I watch him lock the door. He checks the windows to make sure they're locked too. I don't question it though. He's probably just paranoid. He lays down on the floor near the window. 'What an odd man,' I think, 'Maybe this is just some sort of traditional tribe home or something… All the houses look like this from what I can tell.' That's when I hear it. A single knock on the door. The man is already asleep. 'I wonder who that could be?' Then, more knocking, followed by violent pounding. I look through the window and catch a glimpse of discolored, gross, skin hanging loosely over the bony frame of a subhuman creature. I begin to scream, and the man wakes up in a panic. He runs to the door, trying to block it with his body. I see a dark, intense look of fear in his eyes. The door is suddenly knocked down, pushing him to the ground. The vile creatures begin to viciously attack him. I run past him, and my life flashes before my eyes. I run to a nearby mountain. I stand on the mountain, watching the citizens run and scream in a panic. In the end, none of them made it. My memories still flooding in, I remember something. This has happened before. Many, many times. I smile a sort of sad smile, and tears well up in my yes. I couldn't save them. They're all dead. That's okay, though. This is just another day for me.
Just another day in the world of Minecraft.

Added (1). Well, thanks for your opinion but just to let you know it was supposed to seem like it was a random person's pov at the beginning and it was real life and it was supposed to be a shock ending… But if it was too obvious, tell me.

My minecraft skin change but i didn't change it?

When i was playing minecraft i realize i using some creepy skin. I never download new skin, i only use steve skin i'm curious because i'm the only one who play minecraft. Or maybe its a ghost like herobrine?

PS: trust me its very creepy and i never touched F5 keyboard again

Need 3D Minecraft skin! Will pay $?

Like it says above, I need someone to make me a Minecraft 3D skin. If you don't know what I'm talking about… Look up SkyDoesMinecraft on youtube (Famous youtuber) and look at his Icon for his picture. I will pay but only like $3-6 through Paypal. If you think you like the job comment below your Skype name!