Kids Addicted to Minecraft?

My cousins used to be normal. They would rarely play on their iPads and would rather go out and play soccer. Now, they are obsessive about it, cry when it's taken away, and won't stop for 8-10 hours. Their parents are at a loss. They cry and cry and
cry when their iPads get taken from them. They used to be slim, now they are chubby. I'm desperate now. I have shown them Minecraft, and practically destroyed their parents lives. I can't bring myself to see them. They blame me for their problems, and because of that, the no longer talk to my parents. I have prayed and prayed that they would stop. My world has been turned upside down. Exams are coming up, and I can't focus on even studying for it. They have changed drastically. I just want help for them.

No responsible parent allows a child 8-10 hours on an ipad
your cousins are being lazy parents and blaming you
why haven't you told them to PARENT their little snowflakes instead of trying to be their friend by giving in?
you are e ridiculous by saying its affecting your studies, its not your fault or problem, ignore tham if its affecting you that much

So they cry and cry. The only way their parents can solve the obsession with video games is to stop play of them completely. They need to parent. What is happening is their dopamine ( a pleasure hormone in the brain) is in overdrive due to the play. The companies also make the games addictive on purpose. It is a a major concern of people in the addiction field. It is like their brains are on crack without ingesting anything.
There are counselor for video game addiction. Again, "cure" like all substance abuse problems is abstinence along with cognitive behavioral therapy to change behavior and thinking patterns. Harm reduction ( reducing play) doesn't work since the dopamine is still being stimulated. It takes about 9 months to a year to get the level back to normal. You stimulate it in overdrive and you are back at square one or day one.

Not much you can do about it, its up to their parents if they want to pull the plug on the net