How can I share add on content to another account on my ps4?

So I have a ps4 my boyfriend has an. Account for when he comes over we started playing minecraft and I was sure on my account I had bought some packs for different blocks but I can't find them when using his account is there a way I can share the packs I bought to his account on my ps4? Because we were also planning on buying some character packs for Lego marvel

Telltale games on disk? (PS4)?

Since Telltale shut down and some of their games have been delisted from the PS Store if I was to buy the disk version of Guardians of the galaxy, Minecraft story mode, tales from the borderlands etc. Would I still be able to download & install all of the episodes I need to play?

Minecraft For ps4 advice?

I'm playing Minecraft on my PlayStation and I built this really cool aquarium and zoo and whenever I go to work on something else, all the animals despawn and it sucks that every 10 minutes I have to replace them (creative mode) is there any way I can make it so they just stay put?

Ps4 isn't letting me redownload a game that I own?

Okay, so I have had Minecraft for like 3 years now. I'm also a streamer so I'm constantly like swapping out the games that I have (so like deleting and redownloading games) and I've never had an issue until now. I redownloaded gta5 and temporarily deleted Minecraft until I feel like playing it again. Well I checked today and when I go to store ad to library it says "start" but then it says it can't find me application and brings to Minecraft on the psn store and it says the same thing "start" and when I search it up in the store it is disputing the $19.99 like I never bought it ♀️ I don't know what to do. Any ideas?

Is $5 for most PS3 games a good price?

I'm planning to sell some of my PS3 games that I don't want anymore on Craigslist.

I know I need to do my research and all, but just wanted to know from a buyer's point of view, would you say for an typical average games like God of War, Last of Us, Uncharted games, Minecraft, Assassins Creed, etc. For $5 each a good price to sell them? None of them are sports games.

Is there any way to have the new 1.14 Minecraft update generate the new structures/mobs/blocks on my old world?

So me and my friends have just recently built up a huge survival world and we know that there's a new big update coming to PS4 soon for Minecraft. We don't want to start over again so I'm wondering if there's a way to get these new features in an old world, and if it's possible to get the new blocks and mobs. I see there's an over write world edged option but i don't know exactly what that does. So anyways if you know the specifics on how updates affect old worlds than please help me out