How to play Minecraft on PS3 without an HDMI cable?

How to play Minecraft on PS3 without an HDMI cable? - 1

Added (1). So me and my cousin want to play minecraft on the ps3 in split screen 2 player mode offline but we can't get it to work. When we try to press the start button on the controller to enter the mode as suggested it won't bring up the two player option. We've tried many things we found online in order to get it to work but none of them worked in our case.

Added (2). Than when she goes to login on minecraft through her account on my ps3 it won't let her login saying that she can't use another user's account. Everytime she goes to do that it brings up an email neither of us even heard of. Please help.

Sorry had to split the details in two updates.

Go buy an HDMI cable, it's not that expensive.

One word: Impossible

You can get a good HDMI cable for under $20 bucks. I think I paid something like $9.99 for the one I have and it works just as good as one that costs 3 times as much.

OK, first of all just go spend 10 dollars and buy an hdmi cable, and secondly you can't log into your account on another persons ps3 unless you create a new user first, you can't use an existing user
step 1, on the far left of the screen click on create new user
step 2, log into the new user, sign up for psn - either create a new account or use existing account if you can ( you can only use an account on two consoles total )

If you have no HDMI, you can always plug the console into a non-HD tv. THats pretty much your only option. Use a different non-HD cable.