Can I set my home in Minecraft without all the Mod Downloads?

I recently learned that you can set your home in Minecraft but when I went to look up how, it mentioned that I had to download a Mod to get it. Is there any possible easier way to be able to do this with no downloading. If not, what is the easiest way to download. If you could give me exact directions I would be very grateful. Thank you very much to everyone who answers.

Well the should be only one download which has all the updates but other wise unless you have a faster laptop or console for it, the downloading process could become faster but not always.

It depends if you are on a server because most servers have a plugin for this, but if your talking about single player then you will have to download a mod. (most mods need a mod loader such as minecraft forge) also minecraft forge has a auto instalation system and the mod will have a detailed way to download the mod

In singleplayer, you can set your spawn point with a command if you have cheats enabled. (type /help and you will find the command)

If you are playing on a server, then you will only be able to set your home if the server allows it.