MacBook Pro Late '08 Model, can't handle games?

I have a late 2008 model Macbook Pro, it's stats are:
2.53 Ghz intel core 2 duo
4GB RAM 1067 Mhz DDR3
Nvidia Geforce 9400M 256MB
OSX 10.9.5

I'm kind of dumb to computer specifics and details, and mainly play games on console, but I was just trying to see if I could play any less demanding games or older games on here for the slower days in the office. I understand Apple computers aren't necessarily meant for gaming. I have programs including Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, Logic X, Final Cut, iMovie, and Garage Band, could this interfere with the computer's ability to handle games by any chance? I have Minecraft downloaded on my Macbook but have only tried to play it once or twice in the past. I had to lower the settings a lot to get it to play somewhat smoothly, and I thought if anything that was not a demanding game. I'm not looking to play anything like Witcher 3 at max settings by any means, just would be nice to be able to play something that it can handle. Any help or information is appreciated.

Seven year old computer? Likely a Windows based computer would not be able to do what you want, either. Having applications installed generally will not impact performance - assuming there continues to be more than about 20% available space on the start-up hard drive.

Why available hard drive space needed: With only 4 gig RAM, there's not enough physical RAM to run the computer. Virtual RAM is needed. The available space on the start-up drive is used as RAM, but because that "memory" has to go through the electro-mechanical hard drive with spinning platters that store the data and the "armatures" that move the heads across the platters that read/write the data, that type of RAM is very slow. Everything on the computer slows…

We presume that there are also documents you created using "Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, Logic X, Final Cut, iMovie, and Garage Band". In addition to these applications using space on the hard drive, the documents they create will also use space on the hard drive.

The above concepts apply to Windows computers, too.

If you can increase the amount of physical RAM to 8 gig or more, that will help…

There's nothing about the Apple brand or the logic board design of Apple computers that makes them unsuitable for playing with games. The part of a computer that has the most effect on game results is the graphics chipset. No computer, no matter what brand, that has Nvidia Geforce 9400M 256MB can play higher level games at high frame rates.

Processor is important, but not a deal breaker. RAM is important, but 4 GB is usually plenty. It's all about GRAPHICS. In a notebook computer, higher powered graphics will overheat, unless the computer is thick (air space inside) and has fairly large fans. An example is Alienware. Apple does not want to design a 2-inch thick, 12 pound notebook for playing with games. How can they compete in that arena with ten other brands already there?