How do you make a tiny house in minecraft?

How do you make a tiny house in minecraft?


To be a bit more serious here… You'll need to define what you mean by "house". If you just want a safe spot that you can easily enter & exit, you could make one with a 3 x 3 x 3 footprint with only 1 x 1 x 2 of internal space… Which only gives you standing room only within it (which would be considered more of a closet or cell. The material requirements would be…

* 23 blocks of your desired material for the walls & ceiling (+9 blocks if you want a matching floor)
* 1 door (made of 6 blocks of wood)
* 1 torch

As mentioned, it's not that functional… But would effectively count as a house.

If you want something a little more functional, an internal floor space of 3 x 3 (enough space for a crafting table, furnace, a chest & a bed), the material requirements are greater…

* 55 blocks of your desired material for the walls & ceiling (+25 blocks if you want a matching floor)
* 1 door
* 1 torch

This would require a 5 x 5 x 3 space ( 5 x 5 x 4 if you want to include flooring) to construct. The floor space is still pretty tight, but it has enough space in it to work & sleep in. Although, it's a bit too tight for my preferences & would expand the design to a 5 x 5 x 5 block (w/ floor) requiring…

* 96 blocks (1.5 stacks) of desired building material
* 1 door
* 1 torch
* 1 crafting bench (optional)
* 1 furnace (optional)
* 2 chests (optional)
* 1 bed (optional)

If you don't mind some creative organization & be an efficiency house with little compromise… You could go with a 4 x 4 x 4 (w/ floor) structure as you'll have a 2 x 2 x 2 internal space, but you would have to place the single chest into the floor (as it generally requires a block of air above it to open) which requires…

* 53 blocks of desired building material (w/ floor)
* 1 door
* 1 torch
* 1 crafting bench (optional)
* 1 furnace (optional)
* 1 chest (optional)
* 1 bed (optional)

Please be aware that these figures are PURELY UTILITARIAN structures that are not visually stunning. These structures also include some structural padding. If you really, really want to reduce the material requirements (to a bare-bones minimum design), you would be able to remove the corners & edges from the structure (on that 4 x 4 x 4 structure, that would reclaim 32 blocks), but doing so may risk personal safety as it can provide a small gap above the door that skeletons may be able to shoot through & might be enough for creepers to trigger their detonation sequence.

If you want to be more creative with your tiny house, you would have to run with at least a 5 x 5 floor plan or larger to make something more visually interesting… But that's ultimately your choice.

Think small