Should I get a macbook air?

I've been thinking of getting one since I'm starting to make YouTube videos. Could I get things on there like minecraft, editing programs, Corel Draw and other stuff?

I have a Macbook Air right now and i'm slowly regretting it. Don't get me wrong, you can do all that stuff on the air, but it depends on how much space you want. I just think the pro would've been better simply because it has a disc slot.

Do not get the Macbook Air for what you want to do. Get the Macbook Pro. They cost about the same and the Macbook Pro is far and away a better deal and has way more storage space.

Yep, Macbook Pro is the better computer. CorelDraw only runs on Windows. To run Windows programs you'll need to buy and install a copy of Windows and run it via Parallels or Boot Camp.

If you're leaning towards Apple, the Pro would be the way to go. It has a slightly shorter battery life, but this is due to having a better processor and being able to take on more demanding programs like games and editing software. I believe the Pro would suit you.

If you don't care what system you use PC's are always god too. Almost 6 times as much storage than the new Pro's (128GB in the new 13" version vs 750GB to a 1TB in other 13" PC's) and can run most editing software's including Corel Draw which OS can't unless you pay for Windows, and it's great for games if you're interested in that.

Choice is yours, good luck.