Young Long Distance Relationship?

I'm 15 years old, almost 16 while on the other hand my boyfriend happens to be 17. We're about one and a half states away, and have been together for two months. Though we seem young to be in this type of relationship, I feel I can truly trust him to not go behind my back. Often we Skype for 2-10 hours a day depending on how long we have. I've gotten to know him very well and seen how he acts in other environments. It may sound extremely geeky, but we met through minecraft. Any opinions? Feel free to call me insane, it's not something I haven't already heard.

When you get older, you will realize how stupid such that idea sounds.

LDR are an ideal solution for people who works in different parts of the world.
Botkhpeople want to focus on their job while having a relationship, but think living together would not be practical.

A LDR at your age is just because you met someone who's cute and funny. It's not a relationship, it's a waste of time. At your age you shouldn't consider a LDR but someone who lives near you.

Ask arround, how many adults like your parents, uncles, brothers/sisters from friends,… Are still together with the person they dated at age 15. There won't be a lot of people confirming that they are. That's because relationships at such age will eventually fail. I've been 15 myself and I know the normal reaction is to call me stupid for not realizing that your relation is different and your love is pure. Reality is different.

I believe that the first set of people you date, since it will eventually fail, should be people that you can spend time with in person.

Just enjoy yourself while it is there but do not make him your world. Life is a constant change and life sometimes has a funny way of turning things around.