Are book sets bad Christmas presents for young teens/Children?

I want to get my cousins book sets:

Hunger Games-boy cousin entering high school
John Green book set-girl cousin entering high school
Chronicles of Narnia-girl cousin going to fifth grade
percy jackson set-boy cousin going into fifth grade
minecraft handbook collection-fourth grade boy cousin who's crazy about minecraft
dr suess book set-for the three year old cousin

What do you think? Will they like it?

Well, I'm a teen and I'd love it, but that's just because I'm an avid reader. It all depends on if they like books or not. Also, sometimes when someone gives you books when you're a teen that you're not heaps close with, you tend to not ever read them.

It is a great gift! But you have to know who you are buying for because if they are not active readers it is going to be a little uninteresting for them… Suggest meeting with them after you give the gift to discuss the book… That could be fun for the both of you and you can bond and build your relationships

No, it's not bad, and I think they will like it.

Excellent choices, except for the poor kid getting the Christian allegory stuff [ Narnia]

I would consider them excellent presents.

This depends on how well you know their tastes and their parents. The John Green books, for example, may have content that a parent objects to. The Hunger Games' demographic is teen girls, actually, though a little older than 14-year-olds. If these kids are readers, the 10-year-olds may have already read the Narnia series. The minecraft set is a GREAT idea because you indicate that this is a personal interest for him.

Check their shelves. You've listed easy-access books the kids might already have. For the teenage boy, if he's a reader, I might recommend some Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jeffrey Overstreet, or Stephen R. Lawhead (The Dragon King trilogy or the Pendragon Cycle are good starters). For the girl, I might recommend Ally Carter. For the fifth grade girl, I might recommend Anne of Green Gables. For the fifth grade boy, I would recommend John Christopher or Orson Scott Card. These are options, as they are all series that are age appropriate and would encourage the kids to read up and out. But again, check their shelves and if their parents have any restrictions or concerns.