How to learn to program young?

So I'm 12 and 13 in october. And so many things inspire me to do things that can bring a smile to people and one of those things I wanna learn is how to program. I barely know some java because minecraft modding but the videos I was watching to learn stopped coming out. But I don't wanna be restricted to a game that s so overdone and one day in near future be replaced by c++ after learning java. So I wanna learn how to program, what can teach me, and what's the best programming language for beginners.

those are all websites you can check out in order for you to become a good coder!
Get some IDEs! Bluej, Pycharm, and notepad++ !

I usually recommend that people start with Python.

By the way, if you say, "I'll be 13 in October" then we can figure out that you're 12 now.

You should also try to get better at doing online searches so you don't have to ask questions when you can find answers that already have been posted.

Here's a nice Java tutorial for beginners.