I need to get minecraft from one console to another?

I have 2 Xbox 360's, A and B. Console A has minecraft while console B doesn't. I downloaded minecraft on console A using a profile I no longer have access to. I now use a profile on consoles A and B that is not the original profile that downloaded minecraft. I have tried a license transfer and can't get minecraft to show up on my download history on console B, so how do I get it?

A license transfer will not make the game show up in the download history of another account, it is only for registering your downloads to another system so other accounts can make use of it. You will have to use the account that downloaded the game in order to download it again onto the new system, though you will have to either use that account to play the game, or use the license transfer system to register that account's downloads to that system. Though doing that will make it so that you have to use the account on the first system to play the game though.