How to play Minecraft Splitscreen on Xbox 360 Edition?

I have already researched this so I will start off by saying

- I have an HDTV
- Both my little brother and I have xbox live accounts

So why won't it work? Can anyone walk me through how to do this?

I literally got through this problem yesterday. Here's what you should do:

1. Make sure both your controllers are connected to the xbox. Do this by pressing the little button on the xbox, and then holding down the home button on your controller.

2. Make sure your xbox is set to a resolution of 720 or higher, otherwise it won't work.

3. Open minecraft up. Under settings, make sure you enable "two player split screen vertical".

4. Load your world. Make sure "online play" is not checked.

5. Once you're in your world, have your brother (or whoever's on the second controller) press "START". NOTE: Start is NOT the circular button in the center. It's the little button with the arrow on the right of the huge button.

It should work from this point onwards.