Are there any pills against GAMING NAUSEA?

When I play minecraft or skyrim or any of those types of games where it's from first person view, and you walk around and look around a world.

After 30 minutes to an hour of playing, I get nauseaous and have to stop playing! Because of that brain evolution thingie. Http://

So… Are there any pills or techniques to battle this?

Added (1). Hmm, well I'm playing on my gaming laptop, so I guess I'm pretty close to the screen. I'll try sitting a bit further back. That might be a bit hard though due to the keyboard being on my laptop. Might have to get a wireless one


How close are you to the screen? If I play within a two feet of my screen I get nauseous, you might be experiencing the same thing.

Try a five minute rest every 40 minutes, minimum.