What things is against the bible?

I play a lot of videogames like minecraft gears of war call of duty clash of clans and fifa 14 which one of those are against the bible? Is minecraft against the bible? Is call of duty? I mean it is the army and the bible isint against the army is it? Is clash of clans against the bible? It doesn't show much harm does fifa 14 it shows nothing against the bible to me so which do?


Indeed, as the Bible says, "the scene of this world is changing." (1 Corinthians 7:31) And nothing, it seems, changes faster than the entertainment media. More than a few parents feel overwhelmed just trying to keep up with the ever-shifting trends and influences that bombard their children from day to day. Do not lose heart, though. Many parents are finding success in raising their children by helping them to focus on what truly matters. Children, like the rest of us, need to know that our greatest needs can never be filled by entertainment-whether through the computer, TV, or any other medium. True happiness, as Jesus once said, comes to those "conscious of their spiritual need."-Matthew 5:3.

The Bible says, "what is not of faith is considered to be sin". If you are misleading a younger person by your actions. It is sin. If this or any game, turns you away from God. It is a sin. If you are caught up and obsessed with the Game. It is a sin. If it curses God or things of God. It is a sin. Having said that, if you are the one playing the game, and your conscience does not bother you, or the Holy Spirit does not convict you-then enjoy-but be careful for nothing. Peace and blessings

Common sense seems to be the greatest foe of the bible.

Some Christians are legalistic. They think you are doing something wrong. But I see that what people don't do is trust in the one God sent Jesus Christ. Video games, as far as I can see, don't stop people from trusting in Jesus Christ.

You're living in a fantasy world and asking another collection of self deluded what's wrong? Do you see a pattern here? A… B… Fire.

Completed nearly 2000 years ago, God's Word does not explicitly teach whether or not a Christian should play video games. But the Bible's principles still apply today regarding the best use of our time. When God shows us that a specific activity is controlling our lives, we should break away from it for a time. This "fast" could be from food, movies, TV, music, video games, anything that distracts our attention from knowing and loving God and serving His people. While some of these things may not be bad in and of themselves, they become idols if they distract us from our first love (Colossians 3:5; Revelation 2:4). Below are some principles to consider, whether the question is regarding video games, TV, movies, or any other earthly pursuit.

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-video-games.html#ixzz2obYe6mAZ