Will Windows 95 Work better on? 1 or 2GB RAM?

Like this guy did in his video

I want to do the same with windows 95:)

I have 4GB RAM in my PC right now, but I have no problem taking some of the RAM Out of it.

Would this be possible? The lowest I can go is 1GB Ram as I have No 512MB or 256MB Sticks.

I have heard of people playing Minecraft on the Windows 95

Added (1). Well I have 3 right now but am getting some More this weekend. I don' wanna try running 95 on 4GB Ram incase it can't handle it, I wanna try with 2GB First

"Will Windows 95 Work better on? 1 or 2GB RAM?"

This is a Windows GUI, sitting on top of MS-DOS, all the way up to Windows ME.

"I have 4GB RAM in my PC right now, but I have no problem taking some of the RAM Out of it. "

You will find no drivers for a current machine. You'd need to get one that is more than 10 years old, or you have problems.

"Would this be possible? The lowest I can go is 1GB Ram as I have No 512MB or 256MB Sticks."

No. It isn't just RAM, it is BIOS, motherboard resources, SATA, USB… All gone.

"I have heard of people playing Minecraft on the Windows 95"

You would not like it. People play it on Android cell phones too, and you lose a lot of details.