Why should you buy minecraft?

Go here and see why http://gameolosophy.com/games/why-you-should-buy-minecraft/

Minecraft is a polarizing game in that respect and I can see why some people wouldn't like it. For everyone else, this is more than worth checking out. There aren't any fancy visuals or top-tier sound design or even amazing competitive multiplayer (although there's multiplayer in the game, though I haven't tested it) to hook gamers and draw them in. What Minecraft does have are simplistic, easy to pick up and play game mechanics that are hard to put down once you've gotten started.

I care which webstore sell minecraft cheapest?

I bought it for $13.99, anywhere to beat it?

Already have.
@Ballistic_Cat I guess you thought spelling the word "think" was pointless, too.

You don't need a website to know why, its awesome! But what the hell kinda "question" is that?

I thinck its pointless