Why do people like minecraft? - 1

Why do people like minecraft?

Minecraft is a lot like something similar to a mobile game. It's addicting, nearly limitless, and very flexible in what it can handle. It's also very popular because of YouTube's personalities playing it. There's a lot of things possible in the game, however, it can get old after a while. That's when modding communities come in to the rescue and begin adding new things to the game to give it more of a flair. Personally, I don't like Minecraft very much. It's more like a time waster or a creative tool to me, but I feel like a non-linear experience isn't as engaging as when you have a certain story line or at least some form of goal. But that's mostly just me, seeing as how Minecraft is still enjoyed and loved to this day.

Because its fun

The same reason people like other games.