Why do girls and boys like totally different online game?

My niece is 15 she loves to play cute games online like minecraft and many other types of games with a more girly type tone and my nephew who is 16 he loves playing war simulation games and other stuff where there's plenty of blood and guts and a more intense serious type gameplay I know there are some guys who also play girly games and some girls who play guyish type games but generally speaking each gender seems to like a very different type of game the most. There's not many girls who play war simulators its something like 1 out of every 10 male players is a girl so it seems.

Why is this? Why does each gender have more of a fondness for a certain type of game? The girls liking the more girly less serious games and the boys liking the more serious fighting war games.

Just curious.

Same reason more little boys play war games outside at recess or after school and girls usually prefer puzzles, etc.

Smart game designers are now integrating fighting with solving puzzles, designing your own character, having humorous touches, more storyline, etc so that they catch a cross section of players. My sons and daughters actually play all the same games on the PC. My son prefers the Xbox while the girls prefer the Wii, but they all cross over and play both at times.

Actually most guys play 50/50 of slow paced "girly games" as you described MineCraft, and all they "boy games"
And most girls play 50/50 of MMORPGs, war stimulation and "girly games"

Both genders play almost the same games.
The only time it's really different is when they're real young and the girls play barbie games and guys play whatever the hell little boys play.

Da fuq you talkin about b*tch its the other way around alaska