Why are science, engineering, spatial awareness and construction toys marketed to boys?

I'm a 13yo girl, am quite interested in some of these, people seen to think I'm weird specially when I was about 6 or 7, people wanted me to play with all these nurturing and domestic toys, even sometimes when playing games like Minecraft people still think constructing is ' for boys'. Why do some people think there's something wrong with me for having those INTERESTS?

They are marketed to boys because not many girls have an interest in them.

As it's mainly a male interest it's considered masculine.

Do whatever you like.

When I was a little boy, I played with my sister and her Barbie dolls. My daughter loves Minecraft.

So what?

Be yourself. Enjoy life. Do what you like.

Some people are narrow mined and think like it's the 19th century.
Ignore this distraction & do what you like!

The fact that more boys choose those toys than girls is just personal preference. Companies market to their target consumer.

Also to note, every construction and science website I've seen shows just as many women employees as men.

My daughter is 15 and often wondered the same thing. She didn't let it stop her though. She just shrugged it off and did as she pleased. She is now aceing her classes in electronics, robotics, science and math and plans to go into software engineering.

Don't worry about those who are still stuck in the dark ages. They are a dying breed and you don't want to waste your time with them anyway.

It's probably marketed to boys since it has been marketed to boys, so there's still most likely a lot more money to be made, given the current culture, by marketing those items to boys instead of girls.

If you are counter-culture or if your parents have successfully pulled off raising you to be an independent thinker, then more power to you. Play with construction and space toys or whatever.

But the final answer is that, currently, it is the more effective business strategy in our given society.
And people probably expected you to play with typically marketed girl stuff because you're a girl, and the first assumption everybody makes about anybody is that they will have typical behavior.
It isn't wrong if you don't have typical interests, but it's asking a little much for people to randomly guess against the norm.

I'm assuming because market research has shown that more boys are interested in that than girls. But who cares; there's no law that says you can't play with those toys.

I mean, dolls are marketed to girls, but I'm sure there's a boy or two out there who would like to play with dolls. I doubt he is complaining about marketing.

I think marketing reacts to what they think consumers want. They try to be ahead of the curve, but ultimately they rely on data analysis and such to determine a target market. So as more girls become interested in these toys, marketing techniques will adjust accordingly. Profit is the only motivation here.

I'd love to meet a woman that enjoys these things. Women's minds don't seem to be wired to function logically.

I'm sure that as you get older, you will receive an unmerciful amount of BS about likening these things. I've dated women that WERE interested, and THEY were interesting. I dated an engineer, a physician, and my late wife had a PHD. She could read blue prints with the best of them.

I can do nothing but encourage you, to ignore peer pressure, to do superfluous stuff. Concentrate on math and science in school. Enjoy projects, and hobbies, that reward spatial relationships, and even construction.

You sound like an exceptional person. Don't let the slackers, and conformists discourage you!

I thought people your age (irrespective of sex) are not supposed to be posting here.