Which laptop should I get? - 2

My mom is going to buy me a new laptop and I want it mainly for minecaft and gaming, I just don't know which is better this one http://mobile.walmart.com/...ype=search or this one http://mobile.walmart.com/...ype=search They look the same but say slightly different thins, rember I want this for minecraft and gameing so please help!

The price is too low, do not recommend to buy, you can go to Amazon to see.


A chromebook is NOT. A laptop. The chromebook isn't really a computer at all!

You can't do normal computer things. No minecraft, no games at all in fact. No photo editing, no video editing etc.

The only things a chromebook can do is email, web browsing, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Don't get me wrong, the chromebook is a great device, but it's not what you're looking for if you want something for gaming.

I would recconend the MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.