Which laptop should I get? - 1

To those of you who are viewing this.

I know the title I gave for my question was very general, but I did not want to crowd the title by asking a very long question, so here is my whole question:

Which type of computer would you suggest for me if:
1. I want to use the computer for college,

2. I want to use the computer for software development (which is what I would like to go to college for),

3. I want to use the computer for video game development (which is the other contending candidate for what I would like to go to college for):
a) I have a program called Gamemaker that I use to make games,

4. I would like to play games, but not the intense, high end games. If the laptop can handle those types of games, then great, but I'm talking more about Minecraft and such,
(I want especially to be able to play Minecraft, as I'm hoping to be able to create mods for it some day),

5. I don't want to spend an exorbitant amount of money (preferably not over $1000, and at the very most, not over $1500),

6. I'm not too concerned about the size.

I'm not completely stupid when it comes to computers. I know a fair amount about them, but the problem is, there are so many, and each one has so many different options, and besides that, many are not compatible with certain things as other ones are.
If possible, I would like to get a Windows 7 as that is what my desktop is, and I really like it.

I hope I provided enough information for you all.

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