What languages can games be written in?

So basically the title says it all. I just want to know. Can they be written in C++? And what other languages. Minecraft was written in Java could it have been written or can it be re-written in another language? If so which?
And what languages were Team Fortress 2 and Castle Crashers coded in?


Usually game engines use c++ for compiling the games for best performance but for making the game smart they use a scripting language like JavaScript and Lua or a modified version of them because they are easier to understand and are best for interaction for example unity3d uses unity script, and havok uses a modified version of lua.

Pretty much any software development language will do.
It just depends where will the game be ported.
Flash games are written in Action Script
Mobile games are written in Java.
Silverlight games are written in.NET

Most games are written in C++ though, sometimes in combination with Lua.

Any language can be used to write games. It will depend on the requirements of the game. Many games are written in several languages.

Games will often use a ready made game engine, such as Source, to handle all the physics of the game with the characters and gameplay being added to that…


Unity is another popular platform for creating games…


You can write games in any language. The principle concern should be what is 80% of your game going to do and what language(s) handle that the best.