Are multiple programming languages hard to remember?

So i'm currently learning java on Youtube from a guy named Patrick Washington. I'm not really sure what programming language i want to learn next.

I started learning java so i could create minecraft plugins and such. So i'm really looking for programs more torwards like game developing/software creating.

Unless you are taking a test in a class it doesn't matter.

At work, it's an open-book test. If you previously learned lots of languages but only use one or 2 at work then it doesn't matter how many you had learned.

Here are the languages I've used: Fortran, PL/I, Pascal, PDP-11 assembler, Cobol, IBM 370 assembler, DOS, APL, dBase, Paradox, MASM, C, VBA, SQL, AWK, HTML, Python, C++, Java (and probably a few more I forgot about, or know to a lesser degree).

I've found many similarities among different programming languages. The difficult part for me, sometimes, is getting the languages mixed up.

There are parts of Java and C++ that are similar and is easy to write Java programs in C++ or vice versa. Then it's funny when the program won't compile.

Honestly once you've mastered one it will always be with you. Say you learn't JavaScript and mastered it and then didn't write in it for a while when you come back to it, you will remember everything. Languages will stay in your long term memory however the more you learn the easier it is to make silly syntax errors.

It's sometimes said that learning your first programming language is easy - but learning the second one is difficult ;-)

I reckon I've used about 40 different high and low level languages in my 40 year career. After the first couple of languages, I quickly reached the stage where each new language was "just another language".