Why can't my Alienware laptop can't run games properly?

I have the m17x from 2012 not sure on the specs but it has no upgrades, fully stock. Games like don't starve and minecraft which i could play with 100 fps before now play with 3-15 fps, i've tried everything i could and watched many tutorials on how to dedicate ram to a game or use nvidia control panel (Which i don't have) and i can't get things to run smooth. Do i need a new graphics card? I have 16gb of ram by the way.

For 16GB of RAM. You should be able to run the games you listed. That's really odd

What proccesor do you have, unlike this andrew dude that thinks 16 gig are the be all end all of gaming… -facepalm- its most likely a fragmented disk drive or something that needs cleaning try looking up how to defrag you computer it gets rid of un needed saved files (minecraft makes a fk tone of them) and then see if you have malware thats taking up some ram at worste upgrade your graphics card and maybe look into a new proccesor