Trouble setting up a Minecraft Server?

Hello everyone this is my first time here. I'm having troube setting up a minecraft server. So first, i downloaded the Minecraft Server Jar, and ran it. Then, I logged into my router and after alot of effort, port forwarded the server. I then shut down my firewall for both public and private networks. I then had trouble with my internal ip changing, so i set up a static ip. I then tried to get into my server. I know its supposted to work using the external ip, but it couldnt find the server. It did find the server on the internal ip though, but thats useless to me as i'm trying to set up long distance(just house to house). Any ideas?

Other things to note are: Firstly, i'm pretty certain i did all the steps right except for the static ip one. The problem may be in that, as i have no idea what to write into the dns section. For now, i wrote "" in the "Preferred DNS" section, and "" in the "Alternative DNS" Section. Next, you should know that i'm running windows 8.1 on a very underpowered Laptop. I want to play the server with about 4 of my cousins. And i'm using premium minecraft 1.7.9. My cousins are also on 1.7.9, and my cousins and i have no connection problems. But all 4 of my cousins are using a cracked
launcher (i fixed that problem by setting the server settings to "offline") Thats about it. If you need any more info, just ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Can I have more info on this?