Help setting up a Minecraft Server (I have most of it already, one small snag)?

Ok so here's the deal: My vanilla server is pretty much all set to go. When I access the server via localhost, everything works great. I'm fairly certain that I did the port forwarding correctly. I downloaded a third party port checker, and it was able to ping my router, and it told me that port 25565 is "OPEN on this computer." However, when I try to access my server via my ipv6 (which I will be giving to someone else so they can access my server), I get an error. I have tried with ":25565" at the end and without. I will write the errors below this. I have done all I can, and I feel so close to being done, except for this one hitch. Can anyone help?

I also noticed that my third party checker gave me my external IP address. Minecraft should use my internal, right? I dunno if that makes any difference.

Error with ipv6: Protocol family unavailable

Error with ipv6 + :25565
Unknown host

For creating a server you need to use your Legit IP address this can be found by going on this website will give you your ip address and that will be what you and other players use to connect to your server, You must put that ip in the server properties file under the ip section for everything to work.

If you have further questions add me on skype: awsomesauce8