Is Hunger Games Minecraft included when you buy Minecraft?

I have been told that Hunger Games Minecraft is a server but I don't play Minecraft so I have no idea what any of this means. I have watched ppl play it on YouTube and it looks SUPER fun. So 1st can someone explain to me what Hunger Games Minecraft is (server?) and is it free? Or does it come along with buying just regular minecraft?

Are you wondering how to downoad for free Minecraft? You can get it for free here:

it's a perfectly working link, no scam!
Enjoy it.

Minecraft hunger games is not a mod its a combination of command blocks and redstone workings that allow 24 players to enter an arena and battle for the chance to win coins or whatever the server gives you when you win i play Minecraft a lot so i would know.

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A server is a minecraft world that someone has paid to have open up to the world so anyone can join buy renting it out from Minecraft. They can choose to have it white-listed however meaning they give people permission to join so anyone they don't want is blocked out.
There are literally thousands of servers, hundreds of which are hunger games servers that various people have created, most of which allow anyone in.

These servers are join-able via the 'Multiplayer' button on the minecraft menu, the IP address (a series of numbers and letters that you can find by looking up different servers online) is entered into a box that appears when you click either 'add server' or 'direct connect' copy+paste the IP in there andyou can join.
The difference between the the buttons is that 'add server' adds the IP to a list, meaning you won't have to remember the IP an keep typing it in every time you want to join. The IP is saved forever until you choose to delete it.

The multiplayer option is part of minecraft, you don't have to pay for ANYTHING more once you have bought the game, there are no monthly payments, once you have the game, it's yours.
When the game updates the price may rise a bit on the website, but if you already have the game when a price-changing update occurs then it is free, that is not a glitch, minecraft doesn't charge customers who have already bought the game.

The only reason you might pay for something on minecraft is if a server says that you have to be a 'donator' or 'VIP' to play hunger games or unlock certain 'kits' which just give you an unfair advantage. Most players won't do this and those servers still try to keep it pretty balanced if players are using a kit.
If you can't join a hunger games on one server without playing then don't bother, find another server that lets you play for free.
My favorite minecraft server's IP is;

^-^ Hope this helps! ^-^

Servers are usually free to play, but usually cost money to keep running, so they ask for donations, which usually gives you (lots of usuallys's lol) extra abilities. There are several Hunger Games servers, and there are two kinds. One, is where you start with nothing or a kit, depending on the server, and you must mine for things in the wild. Another is where you get items from the middle, can't break blocks, and run around collecting chests and killing people. Just search "Minecraft [Version, it's in 1.5.1 right now] Hunger Games Server". Want to play a regular survival or creative server? Just search it. FYI: Hunger Games is based off the book series, Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.

The Minecraft Hunger Games is a server and requires Kits. Check the link in the Source below for all questions.

Hunger games is a plugin for those servers you won't have to download any additional things before playing on those servers all you have to do is go on them since they are vanilla

You gotta connect to the server. It is a mod made by a server