What is everything you need for a minecraft hunger games map. And how do I build one?

What is everything you need for a minecraft hunger games map. And how do I build one?

To start making a hunger games map, you will need to think of a theme for your map. After you get that locked into your brain, you can either generate a natural world and work around the scenery or you can load up a flat world and start from scratch. Remember you want a lot of structures, so the players won't get bored prancing around fields the whole time! Now after you have built the scenery or buildings, etc, you need to randomly place chests around the map. Make sure there's enough for at least 8 players to gather from the entire time. IN the chests, make sure to include some food, weapons, armor, and some materials(like string, feathers, sticks). Make sure yo have a center of a map to start the game! Now, personally i don't know how to put the map up for download… Sorry! But good luck building the map!