Quit a game i played for years. Don't feel like myself?

Feeling incomplete due to quitting game?
I put literal months of play time into this game that I played for many years, but I quit it a few months back. It was taking up a lot of my life. We'll just assume it's World of Warcraft (it's similar). Well, now that I've stopped I feel like a piece of me is missing. I feel more like my in-game character than myself. Will this pass? I just feel so incomplete right now and it doesn't help my usual upset days and strong emotions. How should I go about fixing this? It's really upsetting me.

Man. Let me tell you. I was the only hunter on my server to tame the grim totem spirit guide wolf in Wow. Talk about time invested. Wow. Wc3. Dota, Minecraft. Name it i owned in it. Just like you bro I had to walk away. I still feel that urge to log in. Sigh… Here's the thing. I read books a lot now. Spent time getting out around other people in rl. Met an awesome girl. I do the movies and malls. I play clash of clans on my phone. It takes the edge off. But I don't dare log on the game again. I know better. So do you. It's not real. It's empty. And addictive. I remember lols with guys in game and still smile about that. But the rest was endless repeated grinding. I'm cool on that anymore. I meditate also. That's the ultimate grind if you really want to know the truth. Astroplanes are real. You are the avatar. You just haven't realized it yet. Easier said then done tho. Only if you choose that quest as your own decision will you ever know. I'm just a guy who's been where you r. Gg bro.

Sentence again, for which I can't think of any answer.

Its becasu u gave your hear tto that game. Give it all to god and to love and good careing andbout everyone. Loveing and careing