I feel like I don't fit in in school sometimes

Well, I'm currently in middle school and my grade has a really small class. There are only 14 kids in the class. It is usually separated by the girls and the boys. I've tried hanging out with the girls before, but I feel as if we have different interests and I can't really relate to them as much. We have different types of humor as well. Their humor is kind of silly, while mine is more crude. I usually hang out with the guys, but all they really talk about is video games like Minecraft which I don't play as often. I play the Sims, but they never talk about that. I also try to talk to them, but I feel as if they never listen and that I can never get a word in. I'm only allowed to hang out with my grade during lunch. A person can easily get away with hanging out with other classes, but I just don't want to do something that's against the rules.

Hannah it great that you are reaching out for help. It can be hard when you feel like you don't fit in. However, it is good to hear you say that you have been trying, and that you don't want to break the rules during lunch. You are such a smart person! It is ok, to have friends who are older or younger than you, that you hang out with after school and on the weekends. During lunch, see if you can bring up a topic that everyone would be interested in talking about. Maybe talk about everyone's weekend plans, or something that is currently going on like the Olympics. It can feel lonely when you don't feel like you fit in. If you ever need more support, consider calling a hotline. Hang in there Hannah!