Am I a loser? What can I do to stop being a loser?

I'm 22 years old I dropped out of high school because of bullying and got my GED at 18. I also have no Job and no friends. I'm Autistic which means I have the mind of a child. I still play video games for kids. Such as animal crossing, Mario, Zelda, and minecraft. I'm ugly. Women on the street think I'm a creep because I'm ugly. Sometimes women smile at me almost as if they pity me. Why do some women always smile at me on the street? Do they think I'm a joke? If so that makes me even more depressed. What can I do to stop being a loser? How do I improve my life?

Why is my Minecraft not responding?

My minecraft keeps "crashing" when i go to play it. It never gets past the loading screen saying its not responding and asking me to wait or close it. I have tried a lot of things and none of them fixed the issue. Is there a fix to this?

Minecraft of Fortnite?

Just say one or the other below. Lets see which is the dominant game.

Added (1). Minecraft or Fortnite?

Added (2). Minecraft or Fortnite

Added (3). Minecraft or Fortnite

My Minecraft Text and chat arent loading?

I need help on how to fix this! I logged onto Minecraft Bedrock Edition and saw this when my Minecraft loaded. Nothing related to words is loading. Not even the quantity of items in the stack has loaded. Its all just squares of different colors! My Minecraft Text and chat arent loading