Is it safe to overclock my graphics card?

I have a hp 2000 laptop with AMD Radeon HD 8280 graphics. I wanted a new laptop for christmas, preferably a gaming laptop and my parents thought that this was a good laptop for some reason. It runs minecraft just fine but i wanted to play higher end games so bad.
When i downloaded saints row 4, i knew it wouldnt run well, but it did even WORSE than expected, with about 10-15 frames. I want a new laptop but thats out of the question just because of the fact that christmas has just passed not long ago.
Is overclocking my graphics card safe? And will it increase my gaming performence? If so what are the dangers and how big of an impact will it have on my gaming experience? Is there anything else i can do to get the most out of my gaming?
Please only give me an answer if you absolutly know what you are talking about because i don't wanna risk damages to my laptop.

How deep are you pockets? Laptops have to be designed for gaming, don't try and get it do something it is not designed for, or you will be short one Xmas present?

Honestly that laptop is terrible for video gaming the 8280 is no where near what you need, as for overclocking my recommendation is not to do it the performance increase you will get will be minimal to the point you won't even notice it, but it will increase the heat in your laptop which is already pretty bad at cooling

I wouldn't bother. Overclocking a laptop is always a bad idea!