Will this power supply overclock?

I'm hoping to overclock my graphics card (asus GTX 650) and my CPU (AMD FX 6300) to squeeze a little more performance out of it, but I'm a litte sceptical as to if my power supply can take the overclocking without dying, causing POST fail or general instabilities. I plan to run games like skyrim and minecraft with extreme shaders at a better framerate and other games on steam etc on high/max settings. I'm using a G7 power extreme 680 watt. It was very cheap in the sales last year, but they don't have a lot of positive reviews on amazon last time I checked. The CPU won't overclock past 4.00 ghz stable. 4.1 isn't good for gaming and 4.2 either fails or is very unstable. I have good cooling and the components are running cool and so is the power supply without being under full load for an hour, then it blows out warm air.
link to PSU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/...005ERFZ68/
actually that's worse than I remember.
GPU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/...00AJ9XF3Q/
motherboard: http://www.amazon.co.uk/...00B293INE/
CPU: http://www.amazon.co.uk/...009O7YORK/

actually the 2.5 star review scares me a little bit, especially the review saying it's more like a 300 watt, but it's stable for me and runs well under it's current load, but with my intention to get a new gaming rig, I'd rather convince myself to stay with this one a while before I sell it.

You need to install a good monitoring and recording software to see what is happening to your system when you overclock it.
