Is 8GB of storage enough for an iPhone 4S?

Hi I'm 13 and I was wondering if 8GB is enough space. I'm not going to use the phone that much and I have a iPod touch 5th generation (16GB). I'm also wondering how much is it worth? I love to use apps such as Instagram and Minecraft. I do not have that many songs (around 20). Should I get the 8GB or something else? Please respond As soon as possible.

The iPhone 4s is worth a little more if it is unlocked. I never seem to have space issues on my phones. I don't even know what my capacity is…

Well, it depends on how much data you want to save into your phone, for me even 4GB is enough to store my favorite musics, and videos!

8GB is enough for me on my iPhone… I'd suggest a minimum of 16GB on a tablet… And i'd probably go for the maximum available storage on a iPad, iPad Mini etc.

8GB is enough storage