Would 500 Gigs of Storage for gaming be enough (PC)?

I brought this laptop a while back 2 years ago when I was still crazy into minecraft, and I loved it. I now realise it actually is packing some pretty good beef, especially for 1100 dollars. I got fallout 4 and all of the other Bethesda games (ALL of them) and I have about 300 gigs left. If I continue to install this amount of games, will 500 gigs be enough or will I have to add some?

Let me be as blunt as possible… YOU CAN NEVER HAVE "ENOUGH" STORAGE… EVER! Anybody who tells you otherwise may have their heads (& potentially other body parts) stuck in "the clouds" (where they pretty much stream everything online instead of downloading) OR don't realize how big games have become… In mot cases, it can be both.

I have a 2 TB (effectively 1.81 TB, after commercial rounding correction) & I'm running at 45% capacity. My Steam library (which I only have ~30% of the entire library (of 850 games & growing) installed at the moment) clocks in at ~560 GB (~0.55 TB).

Games like Grand Theft Auto V comes in at ~65 GB's on it's own (being the largest game installed in my library). Dark Souls I & II take up ~22 GB's combined & I'm only looking at the large games. With major titles clocking in around 2 - 10 GB's a piece (smaller, more indie titles generally come in much lower in terms of storage space requirements)… You'll burn through your 500 GB relatively fast unless you do some library management & have an unmetered internet connection (which is starting to be considered a luxury feature among ISP's).

The choice is ultimately up to you. 500 GB is OK as a starting point, but be prepared to upgrade your HDD for more storage in the forseeable future.