I don't really know what genre i fit into?

So i dress in black skinny's and band tees. I'm not emo or goth which some people say but that's just weird coz i'm not. My friends describe me as a nerd and i guess i do too. I have about 4/5 friends in total. I don't really have a life as it has mostly been destroyed by obsessions and internet and gaming. I don't hang out with my friends a lot as most of them live in england and i'm also not a very good at socializing anyway. So basically i love games like skyrim, minecraft and i love tv shows like doctor who and adventure time and i love movies like lord of the rings and the matrix and i love bands like my chemical romance and black veil brides. My friends describe me as a nerd but i'm just really confused coz at school i'm definitely a nerd but like i'm just not sure because nerds (don't know if i have the correct definition here) apparently do a lot of homework and love academics that's not me. I hate maths and english even though i may be really good at it i still don't like it and i don't study. I don't know i just wanted someone to explain what they thought really.

Keep trying with the math and the English. Grades are important. Indie kid?

You are, according to heavy stereotypes, an emo nerd. However, emo is not goth, it is not scene. It is emo. While emo is a blanket term, "emo"s tend to wear band shirts, skinny jeans, and listen to heavier music such as MCR and BVB. You also seem to fit the idea of a nerd, but not in the general sense. Rather, you seem like the geek type, evident by what your interests are. Geek is sort of a sub-culture of nerd; they're less school inclined and more technology based. Also, the stereotype of nerds liking school is mostly wrong. Nerds are, really, just good at school. They don't have to like it. There are nerds like this, of course, but they are far and few between. You, however? You don't really fit the bill.

So, overall, you seem the emo/geek type. However, there's something closer to you; a fandom-er. I think that is the term, anyways. That seems to fit much better. The only place I can think of fandom-ers really being is on tumblr or, for the youtube fandom-ers, watching videos.

"Emo" is short for Emotional. I say, you are in the class of "Individual", a very difficult yet elite group.
Nobody likes individuals, everybody wants Joiners, they want people to fit into niches of established categories.
1n the 60's they used to be called "Beat", Beatniks were into poetry (usually bad) and some were Jazz, also badly done. Sort of opposite of the Hippie movement.

You sound like a gamer or more likely a "geek" (which is someone who's fixated with fandom stuff -- e.g., they are quite knowledgeable + obsessive over some film series, or tv series, or game series, or whatever series~)

"nerds" are those who are academic + are almost like teacher's pets (since they'd typically ace in many academic classes). These "nerds" usually end up becoming like scientists or some intelligent career like that~

you definitely are *not* emo or goth -- those would include love for the music genre of the same name (emos listen to emotive hardcore; goths listen to gothic rock) + other things. The bands you listed that you like are "scene" bands (commonly), not emo. But yet, you wouldn't actually be considered "scene" if you don't dress like some "happy/colorful emo". So you're neither emo nor scene (other than the fact that you listen to 'scene' type of music).

your friends clearly don't know what a "nerd" or "geek" are, or how to differentiate the two. Don't listen to them, they can't tell you who you are -- only YOU know who you are! Also, as much as I understand the human 'need' to find some label for themselves (or what category they fit in), just be yourself. You're not really like anyone else, even though judging by the *stereotypical* aspects, you'd most relate to a geek. And of course, that's not bad! There are so many geeks, they're the types of ppl who attend comic-cons + cosplay a lot~ you're def not a nerd. You're closer related to a geek.